The 7 Best Movie Blogs

Streaming services such as Netflix, Hulu and Amazon have made it incredibly easy to access all the classics and newest releases without ever having to resurface from under our duvets – we can now invite everyone from Molly Ringwald to Scott Pilgrim into our living room and munch on our popcorn as loudly as we please without complaint from fellow viewers!
With the overwhelmingly steady flow of new releases, however, it can become difficult to stay on top of all the good movies out there – some just happen to slip from our radar entirely and are buried by the latest commercial releases. If you’re looking to stay up to date with the film world so you can plan your cozy movie-marathon weekends in advance, check out the 7 best film blogs to get the low down on the latest movie news. Warning: they are all totally awesome.
Blazing Minds
Founded by Karen Woodham in 2008, Blazing Minds quickly established itself as one of the leading blogs for film fanatics in the UK. Covering everything from remastered cult classics like Wishmaster, to Gary Synyor’s latest psycho-thriller, The Unseen, this blog caters to diverse tastes. The site also offers music, food, book and game reviews and has a “What’s On” section, keeping you up to date with exciting events, theatre productions and shows in your area. Blazing Minds won the National UK Blog Awards in 2016.
Cinema Blend
As a self-professed cinema buff, you’ll need to make sure you have CinemaBlend bookmarked. Their team of dedicated writers work tirelessly to review all the best on TV and film just so you can make an educated viewing-choice on your next Friday night spent curled up on the sofa with a super-sized packet of crisps. You’ll also find a whole page dedicated to newly-released trailers, so you can sit back and make a list of all the teasers that tickled your fancy.
The Bearded Trio
This blog’s name pays homage to The Bearded Trio – namely Steven Spielberg, George Lucas and John Williams – and is a great platform for die-hard Star Wars geeks. Award-winning screenwriters and directors, Paul and Patrick Gibbs, offer their own review section – The Brothers Gibbs Movie Review Archive – where you can read their thoughts on new movies such as I, Tonya and The Shape of Water.
We Got This Covered
You may have guessed it already, but if you’re looking for a blog to bring you all the latest news from the movie world, this one’s got you covered. We Got This Covered focuses on action, fantasy and sci-fi films and offers behind-the-scenes insights into some of your favorite movies.
Film Comment
Film Comment is not only a beautiful blog, it also has its very own print magazine and podcast. This is the blog you can turn to before and after viewing: its Film of the Week column will get you excited about the latest releases, whereas its podcasts and interview sections will allow you to delve deeper into the story and people behind some of your favorite cinematic masterpieces.
What does this strange blog name mean, you ask? “You are born, you die and in between you go to the movies. It’s a name that reflects the centrality of movies in our experience, in our lives” – such is the philosophy of Birth.Movies.Death. This blog will do everything it can to keep you alive with all the latest treasures – and trash! – on film and TV.
CutPrintFilm is a blog that provides something for every taste. Whether you want to read a review on Braven, or learn more about filming a Christmas Horror Musical a la Anna and the Apocalypse involves, you’ll find plenty of inspiring reading material here.